The ArtSmart Method is a career compass designed to strategically navigate you throughout your art career by helping assess the value of each opportunity you encounter, as well as clarify what and how you negotiate for more.

Artists, what do you want? Greater Exposure, Meaningful Context and More Money. You want it all! Here is the missing, magical piece that has eluded artists since the dawn of time:

You can have it all…just not all at once…all the time. You must make choices by asking yourself: 

What can I gain?

What can I compromise?

And what can I change?

The change part is where we come in. The ArtSmart Kit, developed over the course of 20 years by a former director of David Zwirner and professor at Sotheby’s, is a cache of real-world scenarios and proprietary tools that you will learn and master. With galleries closing left and right, artists need a new mindset, a new way of taking control of their careers and determining their own future. 

Be regular and orderly in your life, so that you may be violent and original in your work. Artists, welcome to the ArtSmart universe

Learn The Method

Learn how and why The Method works by watching the same in-depth presentation that artists around the country are shown at our undergraduate and graduate art school seminars



The ArtSmart Method is built around three main goals, which artists strive for in their careers: EXPOSURE, CONTEXT & MONEY.

Exposure is all about the eyeballs, as many as possible. The goal is to have your work exhibited in museums, placed in collections, shown in galleries and shared on social media. In general, you want your art out in the world to be seen by as many people as possible. You also want to build relationships and connections with your audience creating meaningful impact.



Context is about relationships and how you maximize those relationships so that you and your work are enhanced. The goal is to mine old connections and create new ones with people who understand your work, can speak about your art thoughtfully and want to support and promote you and your vision.




You want to support yourself through your work. You want to quit your day job. You want to make work that is fulfilling and allows you to afford a studio practice for the long-term. You want the world to see that your work has value. When we talk about money we are not just focused on how to make it, but also how to keep it and what it means to operate as a professional art studio.  

ArtSmart People Map

The ArtSmart People Map is comprised of everyone you have ever known since the time you were born. It’s made of family, family friends, kids you used to babysit, someone who wrote about your work, your previous neighbors, your high school buddies etc. This of everyone you know and how they can serve you. Do they write? Do they work for a massive corporation with an art collection? Do they travel? Do they have a space? Do they have connections to materials?

At ArtSmart, our mission is to empower artists to become the masters of their own careers. Part of this is realizing that within your existing network of connections, you have a goldmine of people that can help you achieve your goals. It’s just a matter of recognizing who they are, what they can help you with, and how to ask them.

 The ArtSmart People Map is a visual representation of all of your connections and relationships, each one color-coded to represent the career goal that any person you’ve met could potentially help you reach. This map is one of the most important tools in your arsenal, as it allows you to clearly see how each person in your life can have the greatest impact on future opportunities.

If you see an abundance of a single color on the page, you know what resources you have and what you need to focus on when it comes to extending your network or reaching out to your existing network for favors and trade. For example, if you see a lot of green, you know a lot of people that can help you in a financial way. Perhaps if you have a lot of help in terms of access to space, services, and materials, it may be worth it to use some extra money each month to pay for a company like Jumper Media to boost your Instagram followers significantly. Only being seeing the bigger picture of your network can you know with confidence what your next move should be.

Click the button below to download a template excel spreadsheet to fill in your people map, then go back and highlight key people who can help you. For example, “exposure people,” ones that spider out and who know a lot of other people. Comb through LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and reconnect with all these people, especially if you have an exhibition coming up. You need to tell people about it and to monopolize on the finite period of time you have exhibiting. A show is a great way to reconnect. People want to help, and they want to support you! All you have to do is ask, be specific and be gracious.

  • Really rack your brain and try to put a name in every cell on the People Map Spreadsheet. Dig through all social media channels, old emails, old date books and journals.

  •  When all cells have been highlighted with colors specific to their function in relation to you, you will get a big picture of how your network of people can advance you.

  • This will be roughly a 4-paragraph email that you send which will reinforce your connection with this person, pitch your project / explain why it’s important, ask them for something based on how they can contribute, and conclude the email in a grateful and professional way. 

  • As you remember old connections and gain new connections, make sure that you add them, follow them, like their posts and if they engage with you, always comment back to them, thus reinforcing the relationship.

If I could go back in time and speak to my twenty-three-year-old-self, my advice would be threefold: travel further and more often to see what art actually looks like, figuring out sooner which ideas are currently convincing, which have become passé, spend more time making stuff, less time thinking about it, and do a better job of networking, staying in touch with people who show interest or friendship.
— Thomas Lawson

You cannot pay your way into artistic recognition and support, instead the people around you have to genuinely want to help. Wheater it’s introducing you to a curator you know, lending a commercial space their dad owns for an exhibition, or getting you free canvases from a friend who stretches it, we promise that these connections are what will get the ball rolling in terms of exposure for your work, financial support for your practice and your preferred context for your art

Look in all the nooks and crannies your past life, and move forward with these things in mind: make your network unpredictable and less efficient. Studies have shown that it isn’t your close, familial ties that benefit you the most, it’s actually your weak ties that have the greatest impact on your career. In order to encounter a new network, you must break out of your old habits. you must turn off your filters of judgement and assessment. Force yourself to connect with someone who seemingly is not one of “your people”. Go to atypical social hubs. Create randomness in your life so that you can bump into as many personalities as possible. When you do reach out be courageous and grateful.

The Key is Widening Your Network

Mapping Your Social World

Seeing the Bigger Picture Illuminates Your Next Move

The Steps

It’s not that this is one way to make your career happen, it’s the only way to make it happen.

The Scenarios

ArtSmart Email Template “The Ask”

1- Intro/Reminder as to Who You Are
(Depends on their tier) - this paragraph changes based on how well
you know the person
2- Elevator Pitch

A description of your project and what makes it important
3- The Ask
(Dependent on their color) – this paragraph changes based on what you
are asking them for
4- Conclusion
Summarizing the email, thanking them for their time

See the samples below:

  • Dear Bill, 

    Hi, how are you doing? I hope you and Molly are doing well and staying warm in this cold weather we’ve been having.

    I’m contacting you regarding my upcoming exhibition at Black Box Studios opening March 3rd. I’m not sure how much you know about my background but since graduating RISD I have been feverishly creating new work and have shown at various art galleries over the last 3 years. This upcoming exhibition showcases my mixed media and photography work inspired by my experiences road tripping through the South this past summer. I delve into the nuanced layers of politics and at-odds culture that I encountered on my journey, and I really feel this exhibition is an important one for people to see given the current political climate. I know that you are friends with Natalie who works at Hi-Fructose, and I was wondering if you could introduce us, I’d love to tell her about the show and see if she’s interested in writing a piece about it. I’ve attached a document with a few images from the exhibition and a bit more in depth artist’s statement.

    Thank you so much for your time and hopefully I will see you at the alumni dinner coming up in June!



  • Dear Jonathan, 

    How are you doing? It’s Ariana Inness, we talked for a while at the last 4th of July BBQ at Rick and Shelly’s. Have you seen them much since? I heard they are going to Barbados for spring break – so jealous! I’m contacting you regarding my upcoming exhibition at Black Box Studios opening March 3rd. I remember mentioning to you that I am working as an artist, I’m not sure how much you know about my background but since graduating RISD I have been feverishly creating new work and have shown at various art galleries over the last 3 years. This upcoming exhibition showcases my mixed media and photography work inspired by my experiences road tripping through the South this past summer. I delve into the nuanced layers of politics and at-odds culture that I encountered on my journey, and I really feel this exhibition is an important one for people to see given the current political climate.

    I know that you and I talked at length about your Instagram presence, you mentioned that you have over 50k followers which is amazing, and I was wondering if there was any way you would be open to maybe posting a flier for my upcoming show? I’ve attached a document with a few images from the exhibition and a bit more in depth artist’s statement.

    Thank you so much for your time and help, I really appreciate your consideration, and hopefully I will see you at the next holiday BBQ at Rick and Shelly’s!



  • Dear Darlene,

    Hi there, how are you doing? How’s the fashion world treating you these days? I saw your Instagram posts about your recent graduation from FIDM, congrats on all your hard work!

    I’m contacting you regarding my upcoming exhibition at Black Box Studios opening March 3rd. I have been feverishly creating new work, as you know I show at several different galleries now. This upcoming exhibition showcases my mixed media and photography work inspired by my experiences road tripping through the South this past summer. I delve into the nuanced layers of politics and at-odds culture that I encountered on my journey, and I really feel this exhibition is an important one for people to see given the current political climate.

    I remember you mentioning that your boyfriend works at Lagunitas Brewery, and I wanted to ask if they would possibly be interested in donating some boxes of beer for my opening night. I’m really trying to make this opening reception memorable, but with funds as tight as they are, I’m looking for some sponsorship. You can tell your boyfriend that I will display a Lagunitas print-out on the drink table if they choose to donate.

    Thank you so much for your time and help, I really appreciate your consideration, and looking forward to seeing more of your fashions on my Instagram feed!



  • Dear Rick,

    Hey Rick! How are you doing? We need to meet up soon and talk about the summer, would love to go to Joshua Tree in June again like last year, the weather was perfect, right?

    Anyways, I’m emailing you about my upcoming exhibition at Black Box Studios opening March 3rd. I think I mentioned it to you the last time we talked, but here’s a little refresher. This upcoming exhibition showcases my mixed media and photography work inspired by my experiences road tripping through the South this past summer. I delve into the nuanced layers of politics and at-odds culture that I encountered on my journey, and I really feel this exhibition is an important one for people to see given the current political climate.

    As we have talked about, you’re a bit more well-connected in the art world than me, and I was wondering if there was any way you could help me with a few different things surrounding my exhibition.

    1) Can I borrow your projector? I wanted to have old film footage of some of the back roads I drove down projected on the wall at the opening.

    2) Could you introduce me to your friend Kelly, the founder of Cu-rateMeLA? I was hoping she could come see the show and keep me in mind for future group shows she curates.

    3) Is there any way you could maybe pitch my show as a featured event to your friend who works at The LAist? Would love to get the word out as much as possible.

    Thank you so much Rick I really appreciate your time, any of these things that you could help me out with I will be forever grateful for.



ArtSmart InstaHacks

A huge part of gaining exposure for yourself as an artist is through Instagram. This highly visual platform provides a way for artists to create and interact with their audience. Instagram has a user base of 700 million people (68% of which are female) most of whom are avoiding work and eye contact with strangers to scan your compelling images. In this, you have a huge opportunity to grab their attention and translate it into career advancement.

Every Instagram follower looking at your art on a daily basis is a potential collector of your work, gallerist, or a company looking a fresh artist collaboration. Instagram has catapulted artists into critical and commercial success by allowing them to create their own exposure and through that, the eventual financial freedom to do what they love.

See our tips and tricks for Instagram, as well as learn from some of the most compelling Instagram artist’s success stories and enact a new Instagram strategy! Remember the days of the gallery gatekeepers are dwindling. There’s a new approach to being an artist, and the gallery is only one component of your career advancement. It helps, but it’s not everything. Hack the art world as it is now!

The Scenarios

The time could not be more opportune to take exposure into your own hands. There’s a new approach to being an artist, and the gallery only one component of your career advancement. It helps but it’s not everything. Below we’ve highlighted some of our most effective hacks, as well as examples from some of the most compelling Instagram artists and their success stories.

The Days of the Middle-Market Gallery are Dwindling

ArtSmart InstaHack #1: Your Instagram Page is a Canvas

The whole page itself needs composition and consistentcy with your brand. Yikes! Most artists hate that word. Okay, change that to holistic visual story. As much as each individual artwork you post is important, the overall appearance of your main page is just as important. Compile images with the same detail as each image you post, looking at your page should be compelling and pleasing to the eye. This may mean deleting some of your previous posts that do not fit visually into the overall composition. 

For instance, Cam Kirk @camkirkstudios is a photographer and videographer that has worked with the biggest names in the music and sports industry, from Cardi B to Nike. Because of Instagram, he was recently able to collaborate with Nike Yardrunners campaign in 2021. Note the composition of his page, including his profile picture. It not only speaks his brand and essence, the entire page itself is an artwork and very consistent.

Adam’s Instagram Page

Adam’s image work for Elle Magazine next to an article

Adam’s ad for Adidas

Adam’s ad for Christian Louboutin

Louis Vuitton posting Adam’s ad

ArtSmart InstaHack #2: Engage = Wage

Engagement is the name of the game. If you engage with others by liking their photos, following them, and commenting, 15-20% of them on average will follow you back. Remember, on Instagram numbers matter, note that Adam Hale has 237k followers but is only following 239 people. Therefore, for as many people as you initially start following, you will have to un-follow them eventually.

For artists who have some money to invest on Instagram, you can sign up with companies to increase your following at a rapid rate with real people who you have targeted like interior designers, art collectors, art influencers, galleries, other artists to work with, fashion/design companies interested in a fresh collaboration. You can pay for a computer algorithm to help build your target audience on your behalf on a mass scale. However, you also need to engage back with people who engage with you. You can’t just slap a post and be done. You have to reply to people that comment on your page and also go to their page and comment on their stuff.


The Producer BDB (@theproducerbdb) sought out another type of engagement where he created a work featuring Rihanna and tagged her in it. She and her fans liked it so much that he became one of those overnight Instagram art stars. This one move effectively launched his art career and created a tremendous amount of financial success. 

“Instagram definitely was a turning point in my career. I put my work up people liked it, so I thought that was cool. Then I started targeting celebrities by tagging them. My second piece I put up I targeted Rihanna in an art piece I made of her, she liked it and began following me which gave me a lot of exposure. I continued with that pattern since it worked but I did not want to stay an Instagram artist so I had to figure out a way to transition this to the art world....Every time I would get a big amount of exposure I would parlay it to get a better opportunity. Once I began doing art fairs other galleries were able to see my work, and once I got a nice gallery in Beverly Hills I was able to parlay that to a nice gallery in New York. Once I had a nice gallery in New York I was able to parlay it to a nice gallery in Boca Raton. Also collaborating with artists who I believe in opens new doors which can lead to exposure and money.

One of the biggest turning points was negotiating with an artist who wanted to collaborate with me on a piece to show in a collaborative group show she held at Bruce Lurie Gallery. I could have just collaborated with her but I knew getting my own piece in her show would create exposure, so I had to negotiate with her in order to be able to do my own piece that would show my style. That show introduced my work to my first major gallery. During the night of the show it received a lot of attention for its uniqueness. When the piece sold that night it caught the attention of the gallery owner, who then asked to represent me.”

-The Producer BDB


Maureen Meyer @_maureen_meyer_ is another artist that got major exposure with simple hashtagging on Instagram. With her use of hashtags, Maureen grew her followers, started selling works around the world directly to them (as far as China) and eventually landed representation - but not with a traditional gallery. By building a world-wide audience on Instagram (just a few thousand followers), Maureen was able to bypass the gallery system entirely and recently launched her art with one (of many) online art platforms called Tappan Collective. 

With no background of any gallery exhibitions, Tappan signed Maureen to exclusive representation and her work is now available for purchase on Tappan's website as well as promoted by the company.

Note her use of the bullet point hashtag-comment trick. This means putting just a few hashtags in your main caption, commenting on your own post, then using bullet points to scroll down at least 5 text rows before a big chunk of hashtags. Hashtags are so important, often as many as possible, but they can't go in the main caption or people won't pay attention.

We teach you step-by-step how to do this and why it's included in our Hashtag Rules section.

The online art market is on the rise and this is one factor that has lead to the closing of many middle market galleries. Online art sales are up a staggering 24% in the past year due to the proliferation of different websites and apps (Artsy). This means that a gallery is no longer an artist's one-stop solution when it comes to selling their work and advancing their career. The rules of the game have changed.

“The biggest game changer was just starting to hashtag. That is what sets the (algorithm) course and gets your posts into people’s relevant rotation.”

-Maureen Meyer

This one move effectively launched his art career and created a tremendous amount of financial success

ArtSmart InstaHack #3: The Sweet Spot of Hashtag

As you probably already know, a hashtag is a label that makes your post discoverable. When you search hashtags, find the ones that are in the sweet spot (not too many like several million and not too few like a few hundred).  

Some are too specific like #skycollage. Some are too broad like #collage. And some are just right like #collageart.

Try not to over hashtag within the caption of your post. Do not use more than 3-4 hashtags as part of your photo caption or people will not pay attention because it becomes a giant block of blue text. Since you still want to direct traffic with the hashtags, create a comment on your own post by hiding the hashtags. Hit the period punctuation key and enter and repeat that 5 times and then create a block of hashtags that are relevant to you or your post this way it effectively hides the hashtags from view. 

ArtSmart InstaHack #4: Facts Tell, Stories Sell 

It has become increasingly popular on Instagram to start using a new story telling feature called Reels. You can promote art, products, and even your brand itself all within a catchy, 30 second video. You are also able to add music to the video in the app, creating a unique experience for the viewer. The Instagram algorithm favors reels over posts, increasing engagement by up to 22%.

Tik Tok and Instagram famous user Khaby Lame @khaby00 consistently makes videos and has so many viewers he is now getting paid $750,000.00 per video to his 149.5 million followers. For artists, making reels about artworks, processes, and just simply explaining who you are via Reel can give your viewers a better understanding of what you do and why. It also reaches so many profiles with a small amount of effort. To getting more followers, however, you must aim to post Reels consistently, as it will push your profile to the top of the algorithm and make you more discoverable.

ArtSmart InstaHack #5: Collaborative Infinite Synergy 

It’s important to @ other artists, followers, and anyone else you are interacting with on Instagram. It brings attention to them and if they chose to repost, you can gain exposure to all their followers.

To build on this collaborative synergy, you can also @ brands/companies that are related to your art content, or entities whose attention you would like to get, engage with them on Instagram with your art/posts). It’s also important to use geolocation, another way to get discovered. You can put where you are in the city, where you made the artwork, or even a location that inspired the content.

Find other artists to pair with, maybe do a 21-day 5-minute painting-a-day challenge where you are constantly tagging one another in posts, encouraging your followers to follow this other person, and engaging both groups of followers in the challenge, letting them vote on which 5-minute painting is the best.

Note that Tania wrote @luke_henery, (see her Patron post above) a fellow photographer with 14.4k followers, in her post, perhaps he will @ her in a post back, exposing her Instagram handle to all his followers.

ArtSmart InstaHack #6: The 80/20 Rule Don’t Be Ashamed to Encourage Sales

80% of the time show your followers how and why they should buy your art (posts of new work, posts of your lifestyle in the studio, posts of your process). 20% of the time give your followers an irresistible offer, created compelling need to get it now and a sense of urgency. This requires a call to action, don’t be too pushy or too vague.

ArtSmart InstaHack #7: Instagram Live and Videos

Think of Instagram as a show and tell. When you post a live story or video to Instagram, it gives your followers a more in depth understanding of who you are and your process. Seeing "a day in your life" builds a like, trust, and respect factor for your followers that can eventually translate in a desire to collect your work for themselves.

Instagram Live is free publicity, every one of you followers will get a notification that you have “gone live”, so it’s a great opportunity to demonstrate your process, show off your studio, and talk about your inspirations and current projects. Instagram live helps because people are more likely to buy because they feel like they know you/your brand.

ArtSmart InstaHack #8: Consistent Persistent

The below experience of a self-described designer, not a fine artist, who finally gains commercial attention on Instagram. At ArtSmart, we believe that one path for artists lies with the transition from strictly gallery-based careers to more of a crossover between the creative realms of fine art, design and marketing. This is a huge opportunity for artists to break the barriers of preconceived ideas of high versus low.

The recent commercial attention to Swiss designer, Stefan Hurlemann - @stefanhuerlemann - is an example of how persistence on Instagram over time will eventually pay off and can get you noticed by specific companies looking to collaborate as well as design agencies. You just need to get noticed by the right people at the right moment, and the best way to do this is to make your Instagram presence known by posting consistently.

Stefan recently collaborated with Nike on a new campaign, and posted on Reddit about how he achieved this. He wrote:

“I started out with a challenge around two years ago where I tasked myself with designing something every. single. day. and putting it on my Instagram for the world to see. Why Instagram? Because I search for a place where I had this kind of ‘obligation’ that I had to do it everyday, otherwise people might notice. I started out with doing just one hour of design a day, mostly crappy posters. Pushing myself everyday was hard in the beginning, and still is on otherwise busy weeks. But in the end I learned tons, met a lot of awesome people and greatly improved my work ethic.

As well as improving myself, I was amazed to see hoe many people seemed to like what I do and started following me. After a bit more than a year of doing this everyday, I started getting mails from design agencies to work as a freelancer on their projects. One of those was from the Nike Campaign you see below. Naturally I was beyond excited, as I always dreamed of being able to do creative work for Nike.”

-Stefan Hurlemann

There are more opportunities to collaborate, no matter your materials or art form. Stefan was noticed for his works with clean composition and typography, but painters are getting in on the action too. For example, the musician Diplo enlisted a painter, February James, to do the cover and merchandise for his most recent EP, California. The artwork was then advertised on billboards across the country to promote the album. In this instance, February James’ painting created an aesthetic that then lent itself to graphic design, fashion, marketing and advertising.

Hello, World!

Commission Contract

The ArtSmart Commission Contract is an agreement that defines the scope of either a private or public commissioned artwork or project. The contract should address all of the possible factors: work schedule, deadlines, scope of project, artists responsibilities, collector/institution responsibilities, travel and material reimbursement, labor, structural engineering, insurance, installation, timing of payments, artist fee and what happens in the event of the commission being canceled by either of the parties. It is critical for artists to protect themselves with agreements such as a commission contact, especially when a great deal of time and money are on the line.

The Scenario

Consignment Agreement

The ArtSmart Consignment Agreement is a legal document that grants the temporary rights to sell the works listed in the document on your behalf. The consignment agreement should list the works, the time period of the consignment, the sales price, the gallery’s commission or cut of the sale (typically 50/50), the discount split and any production costs to be reimbursed.

  • Title, date, medium, your inventory number and an image of the work. This information identifies the work without a doubt.

  • A beginning and ending time frame. This could be exact dates or simply state that the consignment ends a certain amount of months after the closing date of the exhibition.

  • This is how much money you will get from the proceeds of the sale and also how much money the consignee will keep. This is typically 50/50.

  • This is how much of a discount you are willing to split with the gallery. Typically, artists share up to a 10-15% discount. Anything above that you can stipulate that you either will not share the discount or you would prefer to be consulted before the sale is complete.

  • Almost every artist incurs expenses associated with making their work. It has become customary that if you track these labor and material expenses and communicate the information in a timely manner, the gallery will split these costs with you. This is typically a 50/50 split.

  • Galleries and institutions typically have their exhibitions professional photographed. You should absolutely take advantage of this free photography and request digital copies for your archive.

  • When there are printed materials associated with the exhibition, it's important to have your name credited alongside the photograph of the work.

  • Knowing who owns your work and where your sold work is located is incredibly important for your archive, for future sales, and future exhibitions.

  • When your work is being consigned, the consignee must insure the artwork "nail to nail." This means that from the time someone comes and picks up the work, through shipment, during the exhibition, through return shipment, and back to your studio (hopefully not, as you want the work to get sold and never come back to your studio) it is completely covered and protected by the consignee's insurance.

  • All costs associated with packing, crating, and shipping the work, including the return shipment, are the responsibility of the consignee.


Whether you’ve been working with a gallery for years, just beginning a new relationship, whether it’s for a solo or group exhibition or for an art fair, we highly advise creating a consignment agreement. This is probably one of the most important tools that you will be need in most artwork transactions throughout your career.

There is a Subtle Distinction Between an Expectation and an Agreement

With any relationship, both personal or business, it’s critical to be explicit about what you need. As business coach Steve Chandler describes, having expectations of others is toxic because it can only lead to either one of two results, and neither one of them are good. Either you get what you expect and you feel neutral about it because you got exactly what you expected or, and more often the case, you do not get what you expected and you feel disappointed, angry or betrayed.

What is better to have in place is an agreement with another person in writing. By creating an agreement, you are co-authoring something that is unequivocally clear. It allows for the other person to express what they need in order to give you what you need as well. The bonus is that you will know ahead of time if the other person cannot make what you need happen. This way of thinking and approaching all relationships, whether they be personal or business, will change your way of dealing with people and yourself in magical ways.

The agreement should also specify who is responsible for ensuring the work, the cost of transportation to-and-from the gallery or institution, that you require a condition report and to be notified immediately if there is damage, as well as notification of who bought the work.

It is imperative that you have a legal agreement that protects you if something should go wrong or if there is ever a question of how much you are owed.

The Scenarios

ArtSmart Archive

The ArtSmart Archive is a central database containing a living record of an artist’s work. We cannot stress this enough how important it is for artists to maintain their own archives.

About seven years ago Amy built the ArtSmart Archive database in order for artists to have a way to inventory their artwork, organize their studio and manage all the chaotic details in a way that was intuitive and affordable. The application has been a great success and artists have found it was easier than they thought and way more valuable than they could have imagined.

A good archive contains all the information about the work itself (title, date, size, medium, and an image), who owns the work, the location, the price, the discount, the production costs, where it was exhibited and where it was reproduced.

The ArtSmart Archive tool is critical to an artist’s career on many levels. Not only is it a way to organize your studio, but even more importantly it is a way to understand historical information so that you can make informed choices about the future. The need seems obvious, but the task of beginning this project appears insurmountable. Many artists ask “How do I begin the process when there are a million other things going on? This just seems like busy work compared to making art and creating traction with your career.

Setting Up Your Archive

How to tackle this beast? First, if you have a gallery, ask them for an Excel Spreadsheet exported from their own database, and then you can easily import into the ArtSmart Archive. You will add in the images and your own details like production costs as you go.

If you don’t have a gallery or a preexisting archive, ever heard of “bird by bird”?[1] It’s just a way of saying one step at a time. Carve out one hour a week. Start with the most recent work first. Hire a summer intern. Listen to music while you do it. Just begin and try to figure out a way to enjoy the process. It’s a great opportunity to take stock in what you’ve accomplished, the ups and downs, the successes and failures. Who knows you might rediscover something that you forgot about. It’s kind of like exercising, you know you should do it, you know you feel good afterwards so how do you make it enjoyable and manageable while in the process.

Galleries often times employ a specialized person, an archivist, to maintain their archive, and they pay for the photography of the work. If you and the gallery part ways, the gallery is not required to share their archive of your work with you. This is why it is important to keep your own archive, even if galleries keep one for you, otherwise they may charge a fee if you request it if/when you part ways. Definitely ask the gallery for a high resolution digital copy of the photo after the shoot. An archive helps you track production, sales, collectors, and payments.

The ArtSmart Archive Free Trial

The ArtSmart Archive not only allows you to track inventory, but also generate invoices, organize contacts, and create loan & consignment agreements.

Included in this kit is a 30-day free trial and a customized database for your studio. Simply email any contact or image data you may already have and your studio contact information, and we will get your ArtSmart customized for you! To learn more about this online archive application and to sign-up for your free trial, visit The ArtSmart Application page.

To learn more about the online archive application and to sign-up for your free trial, visit The ArtSmart Application page.

The Scenario

  • Most artists look at us sideways when we ask them if hey have ever used an invoice. “Of course” they respond, but this is a new trend. In the past, artists relied on their galleries or they would just respond via email with a final price. It works, right? For straightforward deals, this is a perfectly fine way to conduct business. There are a few other details though that should be considered: tracking, cash flow, accurate calculations, discounts and production costs.

    As your studio grows in size, it’s important to keep track of what’s been sold, for how much, when it was sold, when payment is expected and to whom it was sold. The ArtSmart Archive holds this data, but the way in which you partially procure this information is via an invoice.

    Consignment Agreement to Invoice

    The process begins with the ArtSmart Consignment Agreement, where by you establish the price, maximum discount and any production to be recouped. We’ve already discussed the details of a Consignment Agreement. That’s the first step of setting the tone and establishing that you’re a professional who cares about their art practice and their studio business. Once you hear about an actual sale, then you send an invoice to the gallery. To clarify, there are two types of documents. The Invoice goes from the artist’s studio to the gallery and the Artist Statement goes from the gallery to the artist’s studio. Most galleries send an Artist Statement upon payment so you know what you’ve been paid for. But an artist shouldn’t wait for this.

    As soon as you find out that your work has been sold, inquiry if they offered a discount and the ultimate sales price invoiced to the collector so that you can send your invoice to the gallery. In the past artists would just wait to get a check or a wire without the due diligence of finding out what it was for, how big of discount was given or if they were reimbursed their production costs.  But the new normal is for the studio to invoice the gallery. This ensures that you know ahead of time what you are going to get paid, and it allows you to make sure you get your production reimbursed. You get to make the calculation yourself to ensure no mistakes are made.

    The components of an Invoice and an Artist Statement should contain essentially the same information, date of the invoice or statement, an invoice number for tracking, artwork details, image, retail price, discount, sales price, production costs, total due to the artist, the name of the collector, and the city and state or country. At the bottom of the invoice is key: Title does not pass until Artist is paid in full.

    All of this information should be stored in an archive so you cannot only track where the work is located but also if you’ve been paid for the work or not. This is KEY. Otherwise you will have a very hard time staying on top of what you are still owed.

    You generate an invoice based on the information received. This provides you with a perfect opportunity to calculate exactly what’s owed to you and for which work. It also sets a clock ticking of when you can expect payment so this helps anticipate cash flow.

    With the ArtSmart Calculator, you can plug in the retail amount, the discount that was offered to the collector as well as any production that you are to pay the gallery for and/or any production that the gallery or consignee owes you. This is incredibly important to get right. And it’s not easy to get your head around this calculation every time. The other hindrance is that the gallery’s or consignee’s language around splitting costs sounds differently than the actual math that is calculated.

    I built this calculator so you can see the math worked out in two different ways: the way the gallery thinks about it and the way the artist thinks about it. The thing to remember is that most of the time, everything between the artist and the consignee is split 50/50. That means that the retail price, the discount and production are all split equally. For example, if a consignee sold a work for $10,000 with a 10% discount, each party would receive $4,500 each ($10,000 - $1,000 (10% discount) = $9,000 / 2 = $4,500). So the artist would invoice the consignee for $4,500.

    The invoice lists the details of the work (title, date, medium, dimensions and/or edition number), an image of the work is especially helpful both for the artist and the consignee, date of the invoice (this helps with the tracking and timing when the invoice should be paid, typically this would be within 30 days of a collector paying the consignee or if it’s an invoice directly to the collector than typically 30-60 days within receipt of the invoice) and finally what’s due to the artist.

    Things become more complex, when you’ve incurred production expenses and require reimbursement. Artists typically think that they are going to get 100% of their production reimbursed because the language the gallery uses sounds like this: “We will take production off the top of the sale”. When you hear this you think, “all of the production will be recouped to me.” This is not true as the math shows. This misinformation and confusion was the sole reason why I created the ArtSmart Calculator.

ArtSmart Invoice + Calculator

The ArtSmart Invoice + Calculator is an intelligent tool that allows artists to generate an accurate, professional invoice that factors in retail price, discount, production costs and any other additional costs to be added or deducted from the invoice.

Artists who invoice for their artwork are more likely to get the correct amount due to them including any production reimbursements as well as ensuring that they get paid in a timely manner.

The areas highlighted in yellow are the input areas. These are the variables for the calculation, meaning these are the pieces of information that change for each scenario. Math Version 1 is the way the gallery or consignee speaks about the sale. They start with the discount being deducted and then there is the Subtotal amount of $9,000. This is what is invoiced to the collector.

Then the production is “taken off the top of the sale.” This means that whatever production is incurred by either the gallery / consignee or the artist will be deducted from the calculation next. The gallery put in $2,000 towards production costs and the artist contributed $1,000 towards the production of the artwork. The amount to be split is the next subtotal of $6,000. The gallery and the artist will split the $6,000 equally. The amount the artist receives is $3,000.

Please do not rely on a gallery to stay on top of this for you. Galleries do their best to be thorough and responsible, but shit happens and stuff falls between the cracks all the time. So it’s up to you to mind the gap.

The Scenario


ArtSmart Bookkeeping is a vast, all encompassing tool that considers both incoming and outgoing funds, including sales, discounts, production costs, studio overhead expenses, personal expenses, and taxes.

Bookkeeping sounds as exciting as watching paint dry. However, keeping an accurate record of how and where you are spending your money is key to understanding the ultimate cost of your practice and more importantly, getting reimbursed for production costs.

  • Income

    • Art Sales & Commissions

    • Awards & Grants

    • Honorariums

    • Reimbursements – Travel, Production, etc.

    • Rental Income – sublease studio

    • Teaching


    Cost of Goods Sold (Art)

    Cost to Run Studio

    • Advertising & Marketing – website, business cards

    • Auto Expense – gas, insurance, repair & maintenance

    • Bank Fees

    • Contract Labor – freelancers not related to production, must issue 1099s for anyone paid $600 or over

    • Dues & Subscriptions

    • Equipment & Truck Rental

    • Insurance – health, liability, worker’s compensation

    • Interest Expense

    • Internet & Computer Expense

    • Kitchen Studio Stock

    • License & Fees

    • Meals & Entertainment

    • Medical Expenses

    • Mileage

    • Office Expenses

    • Payroll Expenses – wages, processing fees, employer tax

    • Postage & Delivery

    • Professional Services – accounting, bookkeeping, legal

    • Publications

    • Recruiting Expense

    • Rent

    • Repairs & Maintenance

    • Research

    • Security

    • Shipping

    • Storage

    • Supplies & Catering

    • Taxes and Licenses

    • Travel – accommodations, transportation, meals & incidentals

    • Utilities – electricity, gas, telephone, waste

The resource we like best is QuickBooks Online. It’s an online application that allows you to connect all your bank accounts as well as credit cards. Setting up the Chart of Accounts is first and foremost. These are also all of the categories for tax deductions.

QuickBooks Online is the preferred bookkeeping tool of ArtSmart and our clients. It only costs $30-85 month, and is extremely user-friendly. It’s an easy way to keep track of everything financial in your business. Anyone can learn QuickBooks and do their own bookkeeping when starting out. It not only helps with tax preparation, but it also helps you understand the costs associated with operating your studio.

QuickBooks also helps you manage your cash flow by allowing you to write checks from your business account that are immediately taken out of your QuickBooks account. When there is a long delay for a check to be taken out of a bank balance, it’s easy to forget that you have written the check and that money is no longer there to spend, but QuickBooks reflects this immediately.

Reconciliation is when you go through your bank statement and your QuickBooks transactions to make sure everything has been entered in both.

1 Production Reimbursement

As the old saying goes there are two ways to make money in business: increase sales and decrease spending. But in the art world there is a 3rd way: track production costs. If you track your production accurately and alert the gallery in a timely manner, you will more often than not be able to recoup half of those expenses when the work is sold.

  • What exactly constitutes production expenses? Materials, equipment, contract labor, outsourced fabrication, framing, crating, restoration, pedestals, plinths, etc. A rule of thumb to ask yourself, does what I’m paying for live with the work forever? Again, this is all negotiable with the gallery or institution that you are working with but these are the most common expenses. Things that are not typically considered production are storage, insurance, equipment that isn’t permanently part of the work, installation costs and shipping.

    It’s essential to keep accurate, timely records of all production expenses incurred as well as those being paid for by the gallery directly. I advise artists to keep these records in their archive so that it’s attached to the work and can be easily retrieved and updated. The key to getting reimbursed without a fuss is to communicate the amount, or potential amount, as soon as it is known to you. That way the gallery can accurately price the work and know what they are making off of the sale.

    Remember this has an inverse effect as well. If the gallery fronts the production then they reimburse themselves for half of the costs before you see a dime on the sale. So it’s incredibly important to know what they are spending in real time so you know how deep you are getting into the hole with them.

2 How to Register Your Art Studio as a Business

If you are registering as a business, you are required to have an FEIN number and a State ID number in order to open a business checking account. You also need a city business license (though not necessary for the bank account).

Think of it this way, you have to register on a Federal, State, and City level. So you need three* things:


    Acquiring a business license isn’t difficult, but it’s specific to the county that you operate in, so there’s not one generic website for everyone. In order to be directed to your county’s business license website, see below:

    Go to and go the website link for your state.

    Then simply follow the steps for application.


    Similar to a business license, for your State ID Number you have to go to a website specific to your state to apply. Google your state along with “ID Number” to get to your state government’s website.


    Go to

    Select the type of entity – usually LLC or Sole Proprietor

    If LLC – select how many members – usually 1

    Select State

    Select Single Member

    Why are you requesting an EIN – usually banking purposes

    Responsible party is Individual



    Select I am one of the owners

    Street Address

    Phone number

    Legal Name of LLC

    Start Date – this month and year

    More about the LLC – all are No except maybe last one about employees

    Artist Studios – Manufacturing, type of Manufacturing - artwork

    How would you like to receive your EIN Confirmation Letter – online

    Review and submit

    Save the PDF and Confirmation page

    Some artists register their businesses under "Manufacturing" as opposed to "Professional Services," as you are creating/making something for resale.

  • A Resale Certificate for artists allows them to purchase supplies and materials for their art production without having to pay expensive state sales tax. In California, the sales tax is currently at 9.5% which is incredibly high. If artists register themselves as a reseller, they can save nearly 10% of everything they purchase that goes to making their art. The only hitch is that you have to file an annual report, and if you collect sales tax on your artwork, then you have to remember to pay that money to the state. We recommend creating a separate checking account so that if these are large sums that you are charging, then you can stash these funds in another account, keeping them safe from spending.

    Please see our instructions below for applying for a Resale Certificate- CALIFORNIA ONLY

    Register a business activity with BOE

    Click all that apply

    Selling items or goods in California

    Maybe Employing 10 or more people

    Click Next

    My business activity includes – none of these will apply

    Sales and Use Tax Seller’s Permit – check box register and click next

    Declaration of Intent – Accept

    Enter name

    Email Address

    Create User ID and password

    Select a security question and answer

    Record all of this information for future use

    What type of company is this – LLC

    What is your role – Member and/or Manager

    Are you going to register for multiple business locations – no

    Are you applying for a Temporary Seller’s Permit – no

    E-Client registration confirmation

    Print page and save as pdf for your records

    Company Information

    Company Address

    Contact Information

    Business Reorg – are you changing from one type of business org to another – no

    LLC Principals – Add a member, select individual in drop down menu

    Relationship – Member /Manager, name of owner of business

    Driver’s license number and California Social Security number

    Date of Birth

    Home Address

    Save and Next

    Sales Activities – no to all

    DBA leave blank

    Start Date- today’s date

    Business address

    Are you buying or transferring an existing business – no

    NAICS Code: 711510 – for artists

    NAICS CODE: 453920 - Art Dealers

    Are you making internet sales – no

    Do you have other BOE accounts – no

    Books and Records contact person – bookkeeper, same for business activities

    Banking info, bank name and location

    Will the business be accepting CC – no

    Projected monthly sales

    Projected monthly tax sales (depends on if selling out of studio)

    Add Suppliers – look at who you mostly buy supplies from

    Review information


    Record the Account number and the Express login code

    Click the link for Registration Information Packet and print out a copy of the resale certificate so you can bring it with you when you make art supply purchases

Confidentiality Agreement

This confidentiality agreement, part of the studio handbook, can be used for a studio manager, intern, or anyone else that you employ at your art studio to help you with any aspect of your business.

Cost + Benefit Matrix

The ArtSmart Cost + Benefit Matrix is a calculated breakdown of how much time, effort and money goes into making one particular piece of work, and then how much money does that work really net after all is said and done. I’ve used the matrix on several artists’ practices and sometimes it boils down to the artists making below the minimum wage. Not to say that working at Starbucks is the quality equivalent to making your own work, but it’s got to add up to something more if financial stability and growth are going to be achieved.

  • Another aspect of financial independence that is well within your ability to change is how much work you produce. But before you can make more work you must understand how much it will cost you, and this production should make sense within the overall trajectory of your career.

    You’ve probably heard the term over-exposed. It relates to a phenomenon when an artist has produced too much of a particular type of work that the gallery then oversells, thereby flooding the market. The work loses its unique quality and limited accessibility. But, there is also a reverse argument, one against keeping too tight of reigns on your production. It results in collectors losing interest or not seeing enough of it to be reminded of your art.

    There are also limitations that the practice itself puts on the artist. The work could be incredibly labor intensive and multilayered or could require many moving parts and collaborators. The ArtSmart Method is endemic in the work itself as there is always a delicate balance between Exposure, Context and Money playing against one another. The artist and his or her representatives play an intricate juggling act when strategizing about how much to produce (exposure), what to produce (context), the costs associated with that production (money).

    If you are an artist with multiple consistent revenue streams and several types of works, series, and mediums, then the matrix becomes more complex as the Opportunity Costs become greater. The Opportunity Cost for artists is the choice between making one thing over another. It refers to a benefit that a person could have received, but gave up, in order to take another course of action.

    The matrix has the ability to show you how selecting different types of works to produce will change the time, quantity and financial outcome of the practice. Again this is just a rubric and not meant for you to make aesthetic decisions purely based on this analysis. The ArtSmart Cost + Benefit Matrix is a financial guidance system that allows you to understand how prolific you need to be in order to sustain your practice over time.

The Matrix has at minimum four components: costs associated with your personal expenses, costs associated with your studio expenses, cost of making one piece of work and revenue from that one piece of work. After you have the ArtSmart Bookkeeping practices in place, these four pieces of information are easy to drop into the matrix. The goal is to see how many works have to be produced in order to break even during the months of production. From there, you grow the matrix to find out how many additional works need to be made and sold in order to sustain the practice and expenses over a period of time.

Cost + Benefit Matrix Step – by - Step

  • Go down and fill in each category for the amount spent on average per month. Fill in all cells that are highlighted Yellow. The dark orange categories are necessary expenses such as mortgage or rent. The light orange categories are secondary needs such as exercise or meals & entertainment and can be reduced in times of a cash crunch or eliminated altogether if necessary. The most important component is to be realistic. Look at your actual spending over the course of a year to get a real number. This isn’t the time to guess. This is an important exercise to do as it tells you how much it costs you to live.

  • Again go down and fill in each category for the amount spent on average per month. Fill in all cells that are highlighted Yellow. The dark blue categories are necessary studio expenses such as rent or utilities. The light blue categories are secondary studio expenses such as studio supplies or contract labor that can be dialed back when there is a cash shortage. As with the personal expenses, be diligent about getting the most accurate numbers so that you can be sure this analysis gives you the maximum benefit.

  • Production is broken down into three main categories: materials, labor and outsourced fabrication. Fill in all cells highlighted Yellow. You may need to change some of the labels if you work in a different medium. You may have to add some cells in order to customize to your specific art practice. Again be as detailed as possible. You must also figure out how many works you can make in a month. This number is needed in order to calculate the overall cost of production for the month.

  • Revenue has a few components to consider when calculating how much you will actually get into your bank account. Retail price, discount, production cost reimbursed, and how many work are actually produced and sold. Fill in all cells highlighted Yellow. If you know that you are not going to get reimbursed for your production then zero out those fields in Grey. The Revenue that feeds into the main Cost + Benefit Tab is infused in a certain percentage of increments due to sales received by the gallery and then paid out to the artist.

  • Enter the cash on hand in your bank account right now. All of the other tabs feed into this main page showing you clearly when you will run out of money, when you will go into debt and when the revenue will kick into the equation. You will need to customize the matrix based on how many months you will be in production. The bottom line shows you when you actually make a profit from your sales

ArtSmart Certificate of Authenticity

The ArtSmart Certificate of Authenticity is a document issued directly from the studio on studio letterhead. The certificate looks very similar to an invoice. It contains the details of the piece, usually an image, the artist’s signature, and installation specifications and /or limitations.

For example, in the case of an editioned work, the certificate usually indicates that a work cannot be displayed publicly and privately at the same time. But the new element includes that title or ownership of the piece does not transfer until that collector is holding in their hand the certificate, and the artist doesn’t issue that certificate until they’ve been paid by the gallery, institution or collector.

  • The Certificate of Authenticity has existed in the art world for a while, but over the course of the last several years, I’ve seen it used beyond edition and non-visual, tangible artwork. Typically these certificates are used when there is no “there there” meaning there is no tangible exchange from the artist or gallery to the collector. For example, with Sol Lewitt’s work there is just a set of instructions from the artist to the collector indicating how the lines are to be installed, what materials to use and what colors are allowed. The certificate provides the only validation that this is an authentic Sol Lewitt signed by the artist. Other artworks that use this method of conveying authenticity are sculptures, video, performance and other editioned work.

    Lately I’ve seen the certificate used in another way, however. Unfortunately we live in an art world where some times artists don’t get paid by their galleries. An artist consigns work to his or her gallery with or without a consignment agreement under the implicit or explicit arrangement that upon sale of any given artwork, they will receive compensation for their portion of the sale when the gallery is paid by the collector. Most of the time this does occur. Over the course of 20 years working in the art world, I have seen instances where the artist doesn’t get paid, ever or with a significant delay. The issue arises because technically title has past from the artist to the collector once the gallery receives payment in full. Legally the artist only has recourse from the gallery or consignee because that’s whom the artist has the agreement with.

    So the stop-gap solution has become the ArtSmart Certificate of Authenticity issued directly from the studio. Does this ensure the artist will get paid? Would this hold up within the legal system? Not 100%. But it is yet another tool that artists can use in an effort to do all that they can to ensure they are operating in a clear and professional way.



Click below to download The Kit

“Instagram is a game but I didn’t know how to play the game. But now I do😁. This kit is going to help my art business a lot!” - Ann Marie

“Instagram is a game but I didn’t know how to play the game. But now I do😁. This kit is going to help my art business a lot!” - Ann Marie

"Everything in your kit is helpful. I’m glad to hear you’re adding to it, because I was left with wanting more!" - Nolan

"Everything in your kit is helpful. I’m glad to hear you’re adding to it, because I was left with wanting more!" - Nolan


The Conception of the ArtSmart Method

This book and methodology is the culmination of my work with galleries and artists over the past twenty years. I have a fascination with artists, as I believe in the importance and the absolute necessity that artists should run the world. I’m not joking. Without art, we’re not human. The ability to imagine, take that creative spark and turn it into reality is what is truly distinctive about humanity. It’s magic. I want artists to begin to see themselves as creating their reality and determining their paths ahead so they may teach others, so they may help lead us to a brighter future. I know, did I mention I am hugely idealistic?

“Art is the highest form of hope.” - Gerhard Richter

  • Many questions are filling your head right now. Who is this person? Where did she come from? How does she expect me to achieve this dream?  Do I believe this goal is even remotely possible? All valid questions. All of these questions will be answered. But first, let me ask you some questions. What do you want? Why do you want what you want? Who are you to want what you want? Are these not the most challenging questions to answer? I believe these are tough questions, not because you don’t know, but because they change. Change is the constant. The target moves, and the goal shifts. Not because you aren’t focused or disciplined, but because we are flying through space and time and no two moments are ever the same.  You are never the same. You are constantly evolving. So it makes sense that the “What + Why = Who” equation is non linear. Often times, self-discovery happens in a seemingly random order, as it did for me. 

    I will start by telling you how I arrived at what I want: world domination for artists. Stop laughing. As I go through my history you will discover my “why”. This is incredibly important because my “why” is everything. It’s the key to unlocking the door, and behind that door is your future. 

    I started out in business school at The University of Texas. Although I tried to push the eject button and transfer into the Art History department, I found myself pulled back in, not unlike some scene from The Godfather. I graduated with a business degree and an emphasis in tax accounting, and I was quickly hired to work at a Big 6 accounting firm. The work was as dry and boring as you could imagine, but it did get me to San Francisco. It was the height of the first dot com boom, and I was in charge of creating tax projection models for companies like The Gap and Starbucks. I was ready to stab my eyes out, but I developed a real knack for problem solving, systems development and financial modeling. Don’t judge; this nerd is on your side now. 

    I was bored out of my mind and, as most of us in our early 20’s, I felt like I wanted to leave my mark but had absolutely no clue exactly how that was going to manifest itself. I did a lot of running, soul searching and tried to recall when I was happiest. In college, I had studied art history briefly and was constantly drawn back to the realm of art. Maybe that was my true calling. I desperately needed to find out for sure.

    With an overactive mind, a restless spirit, an endless amount of energy and a hint of rebellion, I sought out an internship at a nearby art gallery. I pitched the gallery a trade: I would help them with budgets, cost projections and profit and loss analysis, and I would be able to get that Art History education I was denied in college. They agreed even though they admitted they had no idea what a budget or a cash flow analysis was or why it was important. 

    I worked Monday through Friday at the accounting firm and worked Thursday nights and Saturdays at the gallery. I was working my tits off. I remember asking myself why am I working two jobs? It wasn’t for the money or the glory. I was clearly trying to figure something out. Why was I so hell bent on working in the art world? Yes, who doesn’t love walking around art in high heels, but what did I think I was going to accomplish exactly? I started to really consider my compulsion. 

    Then I remembered the first time I experienced the enigma of contemporary art. It was in Houston, Texas. I think I may have glossed over the fact that I am a native Texan. Wait, don’t throw the book out yet. Full disclosure: I am an art nerd, a self-professed lover of Excel spreadsheets, also a foul-mouthed, ex-Texas cheerleader, a lover of science fiction and an Eastern philosophy nut. I hope something in there is going to connect with my reader, probably not the cheerleader part, but hell, who doesn’t need a cheerleader on their side some days?

    Back to Houston. I was in the Rothko Chapel. Those ominous black paintings situated in a circle staring back at me, beckoning me. Nothing else in the world could do that, not even nature. I just wanted in. I wanted to see what was on the other side. Those doors of perception were the reason I had sought out another path for my life. I wanted desperately to peer into this art world, understand it, and figure it out.  I made up my mind to jump in head first. I quit my well-paying, cushy corporate accounting job and moved to New York, the center of the art world. 

    I immediately landed a very prestigious position answering phones at David Zwirner. Obviously the job wasn’t incredibly taxing initially, so I preoccupied myself with other projects such as curating, studying, writing, volunteering and most importantly, building better mousetraps. My business mind had found purchase. My analytical tools were necessary. The gallery world was an absolute train wreck. No business reports, no budgeting, no understanding of cost projection, chaos abound and no one else wanted to do this tedious shit. I carved a niche for myself and set my sights on the path ahead to make things easier to understand. More streamlined, simpler, more focused, in essence: to create order out of the chaos. As I applied my knowledge and skills from the business world to the art world, I began to realize it was, and still is, my currency. 

    “Be regular and orderly in your life, so that you may be violent and original in your work.”  - Gustave Flaubert

    Over the course of the next six years working at galleries, I developed relationships with artists, sold artwork, ran operations, built programs, designed websites, curated shows, wrote press releases, as well as analyzed and observed the power dynamics of the artist - gallery relationship. I began to realize a gallery’s limitations as it served artists. Galleries had their place, no doubt about it. They were the educators, the risk-takers, the connectors, the rainmakers, the tastemakers, and the doyens. I kept hearing this a lot from my artist friends, “I want to be represented by a good gallery. It’s the only way I’m going to be taken seriously as an artist. That’s just the way it works.” 

    I knew what galleries did for artists and how essential they were within the art world. But there were two main issues that kept arising: one, there was an inherent conflict of interest between galleries and artists, which at times was both good and bad. A gallery’s primary goal is sales, and its secondary goal, even though it’s a close second, is representing and looking after their artist’s best interests. Sometimes the gallery’s goals are in direct opposition to the artist’s. Now, most of the time in a good relationship, these differences can be smoothed out. The power struggle can often times be healthy and advantageous as each partner pushes the other party towards their long-term goals. However, when the power dynamic is unequal between the gallery and the artist whom it is supposed to be serving, it can lead to abuse and exploitation. 

    The second issue that I kept noticing was even more troubling. Over the years, I realized that the galleries were neither the problem nor the solution for artists. Galleries were a vital component for artist’s success, but the issues that plagued artists were deeper and more widespread. The market was speculative, capricious and ultimately hostile and dangerous to an artist’s career. It was unpredictable and cutthroat. Some say that’s a healthy situation, as it weeds out the “bad” artists. However, is it not history that is tasked with that role, rather than the current market?  Sometimes it takes decades for an artist’s true value to be revealed. The established system might not be the best gauge of artistic genius. 

    “The trouble with being poor is that it takes up all your time.” - Willem de Kooning

    If artists were to run the world with the gallery deemed the only portal against the backdrop of an erratic, turbulent market, then we would all be fucked.

    A “Goldilocks” environment had yet to be discovered for artists to settle, prosper and thrive. As idealistic as I am, I have serious doubts that the altruistic world that spawned the New Deal and the WPA would ever exist again. So the ultimate question is, can an artist evolve and adapt in order to proliferate regardless of their environment? 

    In order to find the answer, I had to go back to understanding the problem. The problem is figuring out how artists can get the things that they want and need in order to succeed within an inhospitable landscape. What do artists need? What do artists want? 

    Artists, you want support. You want a family and a community. You want people to get “it”. You want to make money making your art. You want to be in prestigious collections. You want to exhibit in beautiful spaces. You want people to challenge you. You want relevancy. You want to make an impact. You want to have a legacy. 

    Over the course of the past twenty years, I boiled these desires down into three distinct career goals towards which artists gravitate: Exposure, Context, and Money. 

    You want Exposure. You want your work to be exhibited in museums, placed in collections, shown in galleries and shared on social media. In general, you want your art out in the world to be seen by as many people as possible. You also want to build relationships and connections with your audience, creating meaningful impact.

    You want Context. You want your work to be positioned in a way that enhances its aesthetics and relevance. You want to create relationships with people who understand your work, can speak about your art thoughtfully and want to support and promote you and your vision.

    You want Money. You want to support yourself through your work. You want to quit your day job. You want to make work that is fulfilling and allows you to afford a studio practice for the long-term. You want the world to see that your work has value. 

    Once I understood the components of what artists wanted and needed, I noticed that often these desires were at odds with one another. They were each constrained by the other. There was a clear conflict; no wonder artists were fighting an uphill battle. Not only was the environment hostile, but the desires that drove them towards their success were, by their very nature, plagued with sacrifice and compromise. This felt familiar; where had I seen this dynamic before? It dawned on me that this was similar to the Triple Constraint from the business world. 

    The Triple Constraint or The Iron Triangle states that with any given project, time, cost and quality are simultaneously the desires that lead to success, as well as the opposing forces constraining the scope. They are each interconnected, and one of the three must be compromised in order to gain the other two. And if one of the constraints changes, so must one of the other constraints. It’s a delicate balancing act. You can’t have it all. Something’s got to give. 

    Have you ever gotten something that was cheap, fast and good quality? Not often, I bet. It’s a rarity. The term “good enough” comes to mind. Most of the time, if I want something that is good quality and fast, it’s going to cost me money. I gain quality and speed, but at a financial expense. Fast + Good = Expensive. An example of this would be the rush fees that are charged because your job has to jump ahead in line of other jobs. It costs money to take priority.

    If my budget shrinks midway through the project, but I still need good quality, then I have to extend my deadline. Because money was compromised, and I still need to have good quality, then it’s going to take longer. Cheap + Good = Slow. An example of this would be that your job must go behind the people that are spending more money. Big spenders get priority.

    If my timeline speeds up, and I still want to keep costs low then the quality is going to suffer. I gain speed and low cost, but it’s not going to be good quality. Cheap + Fast = Poor Quality. An example of this would be some mass-produced toy made in China that has to roll out just in time for Christmas. 

    So the name of the game is compromise? How was I going to help artists by starting the conversation with, “Well guess what, you can’t have it all. Sorry.” It has such an inspiring ring to it. Then I realized, there are three components, and the artist is only sacrificing one of the three. So the artist is gaining more than they are compromising. The name of the game isn’t compromise. The name of the game is choice. 

    Choice is a great gift. It’s your power; it’s freedom, dare I say, it’s fun. Having it all is a great goal to shoot for, but that’s not incredibly realistic, nor is it really that exciting. It’s easy to want it all. But it’s almost “unnatural” to not have some kind of compromise in the formula. There are plenty of examples of artists that “have it all”. But I truly believe this is not luck, nor a freak accident. I believe that if you delve into your heroes’ history, they were tasked with making all sorts of choices and sacrifices throughout their careers. Living with your choices, knowing what you’re compromising and making the most informed decision in that moment takes a tremendous amount of maturity and intelligence. And most importantly it shapes who you are, the art you make and the mark you leave. 

    Almost ten years ago, I left New York for Los Angeles and opened a private financial consulting practice for artists and galleries. I began to adapt the Triple Constraint to formulate a methodology called The ArtSmart Method, a tool that artists could use every time they came up against a career decision. The goal was to develop a simple, independent guide that artists could reference outside of their representation or peer group. This method has proven itself to be a reliable resource for artists helping them navigate both the opportunities and pitfalls throughout their career path.  

    As I mentioned before, there are three main components to having a successful career as an artist: exposure, context and money. Not only are these components essential, they are each imposing constraints on the other. These constraints are imbedded in each decision artists must make as they navigate their careers. The ArtSmart Method helps an artist make career-defining decisions by asking three fundamental questions: What can I gain? What can I compromise? What can I change? The ArtSmart Method is all about choice. It’s important to know what you are compromising with each decision you make and how these choices are interconnected with one another. The point is to try to expose and understand the compromise with full insight into all aspects and perspectives. Only by seeing the whole picture can you live, grow and achieve balance…and don’t forget, world domination.

    When you are confronted with an issue, ask yourself, “Why am I contemplating this decision?” The answer is, “Because I will gain either exposure, context or money.” The next question is, “What am I compromising?” Seems extreme, right? Why would I say yes to something if I have to make a sacrifice? This is an important part of the process. You must understand exactly what you will not be getting out of this deal. The real magic happens with the third and final question, “What can I change?” As you dial in and go through the detailed aspects of each malleable component, you will discover how to make change happen. By applying the tools and understanding the scenarios that follow, you will learn how to take control and look at each problem as an opportunity. Once you have begun to master the method, you will see how it reshapes and redefines your future. 

    Seems simple enough, but I’ve seen artists get mired in this unfortunate zone called perfection. Artists get stuck when they expect every decision, every chess move, to perfectly move them forward. They see themselves as yielding, but that’s not the case. All you’re doing is yielding one of the components of your success equation. The whole you doesn’t yield. You are ebbing and flowing through the mechanism of your decisions. You create your future and determine your career, and once you are back in a place of creation, you can truly be uncompromising. 

    In the following chapters, you will learn the definition and components of each goal. I will walk you through several scenarios so you can see how to apply The ArtSmart Method and discover which elements you will gain, compromise and change. As I mentioned before, the magic happens when you focus on the component that you can change. I offer key tools that allow you to make that change happen. 

    These real-life scenarios illustrate and reveal opportunities, as well as assist in avoiding hazards and exploitations. This process allows for a defense and offense simultaneously. It can be used in the microcosm to make small, incremental decisions that you might face everyday. It can also be used in the macrocosm to make bigger, more complex decisions that could impact a profound advancement in your artistic career.

    Making these complex decisions is a chaotic process; you stand in the middle of the torrent trying to be logical and rational, clear-headed and focused. This methodology creates order out of chaos. It removes the obstacle of emotion. It clarifies the process, which allows you respond rather than react. It provides a training ground that allows you to trust yourself and really see the path ahead. 

    The ArtSmart Method is beyond mere theory. It works like magic. Incredible as it may sound, this method and its application has the ability to change an artist’s way of thinking and navigating through the art world. It has the power to create that “Goldilocks” environment. That hospitable place is in your head. That soft landing is within you. World domination is not just probable; it’s inevitable. The revolution begins with you. And it begins now. 

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